Study Of Some Plane Gravitational Waves In Bimetric Relativity

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Mahendrakumar Shyamlal Baghele
Manish Kumar Singh


Plane gravitational waves in Rosen‟s Bimetric Relativity. The remarkable work of   the background and inspiration for the present research work. In “Mathematical theory of plane gravitational waves in general relativity”, introduced the concept of plane gravitational waves from the cosmological point of view, gave a quite clear mathematical formulation and developed its consequences. His remarkable work, forms the background and motivation of our investigation in this research.

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Author Biographies

Mahendrakumar Shyamlal Baghele

Research Scholar Department of Mathematics, Radha Govind University, Ramgarh, Jharkhand.

Manish Kumar Singh

Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Radha Govind University, Ramgarh, Jharkhand.