Mathematics Teacher Candidates’ Conceptual Knowledge of the Concept of Limit in Single-Variable Functions

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Birgül Yıldız, Gonca İnceoğlu


The aim of this study is to investigate teacher candidates’ conceptual understanding of the concept of
limit in single-variable functions. The study sample consisted of 30 students who were studying Primary
School Mathematics Teaching at the Department of Mathematics and Science Education at a state
university in Turkey and were enrolled in the Analysis I course in their second year. This study used a
basic qualitative research design, and data were collected through open-ended questions and clinical
interviews with focus students. The results revealed that the teacher candidates gave memorized
answers to conceptual knowledge questions. The results showed that the teacher candidates’ concept
definitions were generally based on the right-left limit equation theorem and the dynamic form of the
limit. However, the results of the clinical interviews indicated that teacher candidates avoided giving
the formal definition of a limit.

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