Empirical and Semi-empirical Models on philosophy of Kundalini (coiled power)

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Naveen Kumar, Paran Gowda


This study is how mystical philosophy of kundalini power – a mystic concept in yoga could be simplified with the help of scientific understandings. The advantage of our method is that we adopted empirical relations and whereas by earlier authors there is not much of scientific basis for stress management. We adopted their breathing methodology and applied it to our research with a cause-effect relation mechanism that takes place inside the physical body. In addition, we have also tried to define kundalini to some extent and bring its relation to stress levels of the brain cells . The strength of this study lies in unraveling the mystic nature of kundalini yoga and provide with a strong scientific basis for Indian ancient knowledge for the betterment of the humans. There are also limitations in this study like it is very subjective science, kundalini mysticism, diet practices not considered and also no extreme practices are considered because of dangers involved in the kundalini practices. The future research study lies in the further refinement of the concept of kundalini through particle theory, diet control, women vis-à-vis kundalini power, purity, discipline and character in ones behavior etc from the ancient texts of India.

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