Analyzing the Impact of 6LoWPAN by varying the IETF De-facto Parameters of Back – Off –Transmission for WSN

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N. Rahul Pal, Prof. S. Pallam Shetty


Wireless Sensor Network has been an essential component in the field of IoT. Energy consumption plays a vital role as sensors are battery-operated, in the paper an attempt has been made to reduce energy consumption and minimize delay in different network sizes to extend the network lifetime of the 6LoWPAN Protocol. This can be achieved using simulator-cooja supported by Contiki operating system and finding the parameter that most affects the network. By varying the IETF De-facto static values of Back off Tx, Beaconing interval, and Buffer size it was revealed that the power has been cut-down to 5.87% and delay to 7.32%.

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